• New York

    Bon Your Appétit with “Perfect Flavors”

    I have been obsessed with Bon Appetit’s youtube series for a while.

    In this creative series, the chef Claire Saffitz (my favorite) attempts to recreate our favorite junk and comfort foods in the open space of BA Test Kitchen. Kit Kat, Cheetos, Lucky Charm, Pringles… She tested every detail and made one sample after days of trials.

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    This might not be the accurate taste, I guess. But watching her experienced all the ups and downs in the reproducing the food and get opinions from her naught but funny gourmet colleagues by side are enjoyment for the audience. What Bon’s one’s appetite? I guess it is the flavor made by hand and heart.

    Here brings this book” Perfect Flavors”. It offers the creative, easy-to-prepare recipes inspired by family and travels. From holiday dishes to go-to takeaway meals, 282 dishes have included almost every western dishes which will bring your joy and fit for sharing.

    Some photos of recipes to glimpse in a row.







    More Information: 

    About the book: Naomi Nachman is a renowned, round-the-world cooking teacher, food columnist, recipe developer, and personal chef. The author of the bestselling Perfect for Pesach cookbook shares her passion and enthusiasm for cooking, serving, eating, and sharing amazing food – every single day. Perfect Flavors brings us exotic recipes from all over the world – and old favorites with a new twist. Whether you’re looking for elegant and sophisticated cuisine or a quick and wholesome meal, you’ll find what you need among these delicious and doable recipes.


    Purchase it here: https://www.amazon.com/Perfect-Flavors-Creative-easy-prepare/dp/142262238X