Eliminate electric shocks from the daily routine once and for all

Surprisingly, many people don’t know what the actual purpose of fabric softener is. Most think it is just to make our clothes soft and wearable but it is also to help prevent static cling. But sometimes, softener can use extra help to kill that static. There is nothing more annoying than constantly get a shock of static electricity or having everything always sticking to you. There are some simple tips and tricks, like tossing an aluminum foil ball into the dryer to kill the charge, remove clothes from dryer before fully dry or spray some water onto dry clothes to help further reduce static cling.


Tips for getting rid of static cling

  • A great tool to get rid of static cling is the Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus spray. It has over 101 uses and one of them is eliminating static cling. Not only will you remove static charges from your clothes but they will be left with a fresh scent.
  • Place a safety pin on the inner hem of clothing to dispel any static charge, instead of shocking you, the charge will go to the pin.
  • Place a damp towel or cloth inside dryer and dry at lowest heat setting. The clothing will not become as dry and susceptible to static.
  • Take clothes out of the dryer before they are completely dry, allowing them to air dry the rest of the way will better prevent static, due to the reduction of heat and friction between clothing.
  • Instead of wearing rubber-soled shoes, wear leather-soled shoes to help prevent static because it is a non-conducting material.
  • Use Aluminum foil balls in the dryer, the foil will pick up any charge from the clothing while in the dryer.
  • Spray fine mist of distilled water on clothing after it comes out of the dryer, it will kill any static that is clinging to the clothing.
  • Slip clothes with static charge through a metal hanger, just like the safety pin and aluminum foil, the metal hanger will pick up any charge that is in your clothing.
  • If you have static cling on clothes you are already wearing, place a think layer of moisturizing lotion on your skin underneath your clothes. The moisture from the lotion will counteract the dryness of the clothing.