• Toronto,  WorldWide

    Sentimental Sunday: Will You Google Him?

    Of course Bree Van De Kamp (Marcia Cross) can’t be bothered to go on a date without knowing absolutely everything about this mystery man that randomly came into her life. Are you the same way?

    If you’re a curious cat like me, you’re going to want to know certain details. Like if he’s been married, if he’s still married. The best part is adding guys on Facebook and realizing he’s ‘in a relationship’ with someone else and has pictures of them together all over his profile. Real smooth. Saves me the time of figuring that out over dinner next week!

    I don’t know about you, but I feel like a simple Google check just solidifies a person. Makes him human in a way. If there was absolutely no information on ‘John Smith,’ you might not feel too safe going out with him. Just a thought.

    In Bree’s case, she just wanted to know some dirt. How far are you going to go in your background check? I still don’t know what I want to know yet. Sometimes I want to know everything so there are no surprises and I get exactly what I’m asking for. But other times I wish I didn’t know anything so I could find it out my own way.

    The only real problem I have with Googling a potential date is you’re taking away the job of the Wingman. What’s he supposed to do now if you’re just giving up everything for free on the world wide web? Of course you can’t find everything online, but you’ll get a good chunk. I think men are still just as secretive if not more than ever now and they don’t want to see their girls posting up every picture and checking in to every spot they visit. Is there really something wrong with that?

    No wonder I’m still single. So what about you — would you Google him?

    Follow @missamandachen