• Toronto

    HCB #28: mmm egg sammich!

    “He that but looketh on a plate of ham and eggs to lust after it hath already committed breakfast with it in his heart”– C.S. Lewis he he 🙂

    I loved cheese and egg sandwiches as a little girl… I was feenin for one of these the other day so… I stepped things up a tiny bit 🙂
    mmm melted cheese… some chicken bacon, spinach, tomato, special sauce= GOODNESS!
    This one’s perfect for dinner, lunch or breakfast! I had it for dinner! The warm pita was soooo GOOD!
    Happy Cookin’ Lovelies!

    *HeyDoYou is for the cute, clever and connected*

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    When it’s nasty… AFFRESH!!

    If you’re anything like me and a million other people, then you love this invention they call the dishwasher! Thing is after a couple uses it loses that shiney new white look, and takes on this off-white color, with stains and food particles everywhere… YUCK! And cleaning it, is an even BIGGER pain in the butt!

    Lucky for you… or us, we can say so long to this problem, because AFFRESH has our back!
    All you have to do is put an AFFRESH tablet in that lil tablet compartment thingy; the AFFRESH will penetrate and dissolve ANY and ALL nasty particles of odors from your dishwasher, leaving your dishwasher so fresh and so clean for up to a month!

    I tried to see how dirty my dishwasher could get, but it was taking to damn long, and I really didn’t feel like getting it dirty only to clean it again… even though that would only involve me throwing in an AFFRESH tablet and letting it do it’s job…lol. So instead, I just googled “dirty dishwasher” and found the most unappealing picture and there you go! I’ve used AFFRESH on my dishwasher, and it’s AH-MAZING!
    More info here!
    *HeyDoYou is for the cute, clever and connected*

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    Shop UK

    Ever been reunited with a long-lost love? Well that’s how I feel when I shop UK, nothing beats being there, but online shopping brings us pretty close. While doing a lil shop around, I spotted some cute finds at one of my favorite spots… Miss Selfridge.
    A crazy range of items, all super cute, for incredible prices. Please remember to consider the currency exchange, but either way, we can’t get mad at the quality and style for the price. Check out my finds, and then go grab some for yourself… spoil a lil… its SUMMER!!!

    *HeyDoYou is for the cute, clever and connected*
  • Toronto

    HCB #27: Wrap it up in BACON!

    usually I like em’ naked…
    but I think they look damn good in pink!
    mmm cheese on the inside, bacon on the outside… LOL so silly
    nice and simple… 
    Dear @OneBun I friggin’ LOVE your buns!
    Happy Cookin!

    …with my schedule being kinda hectic, burgers work coz they are sooo fun and EASY to make! (and uh tasty..) fun, easy and tasty, sounds like a winner! ha ha ha
    *HeyDoYou is for the cute, clever and connected*