Heart & Gut Health: Live Your Best Life with SHINYALabs

February was the Heart Health Month, and now it’s the perfect time to delve deeper into the goodness of the wellness experts at SHINYALab.

The revolutionary brand embodies ancient Japanese botanicals and modern science to create a revolutionary line that enhances the human body’s innate ability to strengthen and beautify from within. Just what bodies need to stay healthy and properly function.

The brand’s focus is on nutrient absorption as a means to optimizing total overall well-being. The line of health and nutritional supplements is produced using fermented Japanese botanical ingredients, probiotics, plant-based enzymes, and low-temperature manufacturing.

Take a look at their nutritional supplements below and get healthy with SHINYALab.

Botanical Goodness for Better Health and Nutrition

The Renowned Brand That’s Blending Nippon Wisdom with Modern Science

Lifelong health and beauty begin with the nutrients that fuel our bodies.

SHINYALab melds Japan’s ancestral botanical traditions with modern science to help ensure a healthy lifestyle. Starting with a proper diet and caring for the body with the brand’s Vital Enzymes is an easy and great way to start each day.

How’s this brand different? It’s the purity of the fermentation process which strengthens the efficacy of its groundbreaking products.

SHINYALab is the only U.S. line of plant-based, Japan-sourced, fermented botanicals, probiotics, and enzymes. These unique blends assist the body’s natural ability to cleanse, digest, moisturize, nourish, and replenish the body leading to lifelong holistic wellness.

You’ll begin to notice a difference in just five to seven days. Check out the brand’s best-sellers (vegan, gluten- and sugar-free, non-GMO) and get on the road to better health:

  • Vital Enzymes – Everyday care for support of healthy digestion, immune function, and optimal nutrient absorption. Price: $49.99

  • Binchotan Cleanse – Cleansing support for relief from occasional gas and bloating, aides detoxification, and assists in weight loss management as part of a healthy lifestyle. Price: $39.99

  • Intestinal Youth – Rejuvenation support for intestinal wellbeing, immune health, and nourishment of beneficial gut bacteria. Price: $39.99

  • Probiogenic – Protecting formula for immune support, mood balance, strengthened microbiome, and healthy bowel movements. Price: $49.99

World-Renowned Gastroenterologist and Research

SHINYALab is inspired by the work of Dr. Hiromi Shinya, a world-renowned gastroenterologist whose clinical research on the importance of digestive enzymes was ahead of its time.

Dr. Shinya believes that the decline in soil quality due to commercial farming has affected the enzyme activity in the foods we consume. Without sufficient digestive enzyme activity, the body cannot break foods down so that nutrients can be fully absorbed.

Find SHINYALab on Amazon and Walmart.

Amazon StorefrontVital Enzymes, Intestinal Youth, Binchotan Cleanse, Probiogenics

Walmart Storefront: Vital Enzymes, Intestinal Youth, Binchotan Cleanse, Probiogenics

About SHINYALab:

SHINYALab is the first U.S. brand from George & Oliver, Tokyo, Japan. They are a mission-driven health and wellness company dedicated to developing products that meld Japan’s ancestral botanicals and modern science. Nippon wisdom, the ancient practice of deriving enzymes and beneficial bacteria through fermentation is the basis of the SHINYALab holistic health formulas. Their core philosophy is that lifelong health and beauty begin with the nutrients that fuel our bodies. Follow them on Instagram, Facebook, and Linkedin.