National Novel Writing Month and Read a New Book Month Coming Up

In the literary world, there’s been a growing call for my diversity represented in novels.  Paige E. Ewing tackles climate change and diversity in her new cozy fantasy novel Explosive Chemistry (Nov. 21, 2023, Owl City Press).

Paige can talk about:

  • Climate change (Ever heard of hopepunk, solarpunk, cli fi?) – Climate change is an existential threat. Paige can talk about what wonderful things would happen if we did better and what awful things will happen if we don’t.
  • Mixing genresExplosive Chemistry is actual chemistry, made up of mystery, science fiction, fantasy, and even a hint of slow-burn paranormal romance.
  • Neurodivergence – Some of us think even more differently than most. A lot of folks have the concept that having a mental difference means a person doesn’t have the same desires for companionship, or can’t be brilliant, or funny, or useful to society.
  • The importance of a diverse main cast – “Nice thing about being a fiction writer who wants to change the world: it’s your world, and you can change it.” It’s important for members of the audience to be represented in all aspects, and diversity is something Paige is passionate about in her writing and in her day-to-day life.


Including a neurodivergent main character and a diverse cast of quirky companions, Explosive Chemistry is the second installment of the Liliana and the Fae of Fayetteville series that started with Precise Oaths. Explosive Chemistry is an urban fantasy, paranormal slow-burn romance set 30 years into a hopeful future where fossil fuels are obsolete. Liliana, a reluctant spider-kin fortune teller, is faced with the task of solving the mystery of who killed four soldiers at Fort Liberty. Follow along as Liliana reluctantly bands together with irritating (…at first) Fae Colonel as they defend their close friends, an oak goblin doctor and a fairy with a penchant for machine guns, from becoming the next victims. Including a neurodivergent main character, a diverse cast of quirky companions, and a variety of romantic and platonic relationships, Explosive Chemistry is the second installment of the Liliana and the Fae of Fayetteville series that started with Precise Oaths.