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    Shawty GET IT IN!

    I was sooo disappointed to read so many negative tweets about Beyonce’s VMA performance last night, (especially from women! you should be ashamed of yourselves for not congratulating a VERY HARD WORKING woman.) That I simply had to say something…
    They talked about how she has half naked, some people didn’t like her dancing, some people said they saw things they didn’t wanna see bla bla bla.. Were you watching??? I’m not a huge Beyonce fan, but I think she’s a great artist/performer. So all I wanna know is, for all the people that were talking smack, how many of you could’ve pulled off that performance? Or even raked in the numbers (both $$$ and album sales) that she has in her career??? *hear’s a pin drop*, didn’t think so; so instead of being “hateful” why not simply give credit where credit’s due?
    For those who still aren’t sure if Bey’s got it; in the friendly words of her hubby, “I think I better give you a REMINDER, here it is!”

    Find more videos like this on ThisIs50.com : IF IT’S HOT IT’S HERE!

    Loved it!