• WorldWide

    Support Breast Cancer Awareness Month with @mito_q

    We all know October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and there’s a lot we can do to spread the word about early detection and fundraising to find a cure. Not only this month, but all year ‘round.


    One of the great skincare lines out there doing amazing things this month (and always) is MitoQ. This fantastic company is donating 15% of their net proceeds to one of the leading national education + support organizations, the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF).

    The NBCF is an incredible organization that provides free mammograms and diagnostic breast care services to women throughout the U.S. who couldn’t otherwise afford them. The NBCF also works with cancer centers and clinics for research efforts, while also educating women about early detection and providing important breast cancer resources.

    casual up logo comp_final(2)So it’s one fine organization to support.

    So, what is this MitoQ that’s supporting NBCF? Simply put, it’s one of the best anti-aging skin products on the market today. The patented ingredient in MitoQ is something called mitoquinol, and this has been scientifically proven to penetrate the mitochondria and is 1000 times more potent that CoQ (a molecule used in some of the world’s best anti-aging products).


    It’s aim is to return skill cells to optimal function by supporting collagen and elastin production. That means it reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles (yay!), while your skin becomes denser, firmer and sees those age spots fade away.

    Need proof? Science will show you!

    Grab your anti-aging MitoQ today at MitoQ.com and show us the results on Twitter or Facebook!


  • Toronto,  WorldWide

    Event LOVE: @SkinnyGirl Cocktails with @Bethenny Frankel #SkinnyGirlTO


    We were recently invited to the Skinnygirl Cocktails “Summer Styling Like a Lady” event, over at The Rosewater Room in downtown Toronto. Myself, Elana, and like a million ladies joined special celebrity guest/Skinnygirl Cocktails founder Bethenny Frankel for an evening of fun interactive sessions on fashion, decor, mixology, food, all while sipping on various cocktails from the Skinnygirl line (Sangria is my favourite by the way).


    All the ladies were asked to bring a gently worn piece of business attire to help support Skinnygirl Cocktails as they teamed up with Dress For Success Toronto– a charitable organization which promotes economic independence for disadvantaged women in the GTA by providing them with professional attire for the everyday work place. 


    The event was hosted by Traci Melchor of CTV’s ETALK, and there was also an interactive Q&A session with Bethenny (which I missed cause I got carried away at they gym, then couldn’t decided on what dress to wear… girl problems.) After the Q&A session, we got a chance to explore the various interactive styling rooms, and of course, drank more Skinnygirl cocktails and snacked on for d’oeuvres for the rest of the night. 20130514_193306














    omg… omg… OH MY GAWD.20130514_202451





    I kinda sorta wore my hair out 🙂

    Thank you for inviting us!

    Bella 🙂