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    I love H.I..M

    H.I.M = Highly Interesting Men.

    A few months ago I posted a video with brother Gerry and Jason Clemmons. Loving what they said in the video and fascinated by how in sync these identical twins are… Well guess it was serendipitous for me to get on the L train and see them! Half Black, Half Portuguese… completely awesome! They are actors and models but of course. How to tell them apart.. umm I think when they pose for photos Jason always has his arm over Garry’s shoulder – I dont’ know but I think I am right.

    The Man’s Guide To Love #210 from themansguidetolove on Vimeo.

    I was so excited and I guess they sensed it cuz Garry said hi to me and Jason had his new Macbook. In their matching Lululemon + Nikes they were just heading back home from the gym and I was heading to my interview at Vice magazine in Brooklyn.  God bless Google and Facebook… 🙂  Even though the above video says they are 23 and this article says they are 28, i think they are about 29… Super nice and down to earth.. and not even mad at me cuz I didn’t have gum with me. Hope we actually hang out and become real friends.  They I got off the train and saw and Argentino Dogo called Che. Amazing. Can’t ask for a better day.
    I bet I could tell them apart… ummm maybe not.
    Who: Garry Clemmon and Jason Clemmon
    Why: Actor/Models who always dress alike – the one who wakes up first gets to choose the outfit
    What: Double Trouble, Twice is nice
    Where: NYC
    How: Running into them on the L train
    What else: TwinTone is their personal training business

    Do I really have to explain?

    *HeyDoYou is for the cute, clever and connected*