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    Home-cooking with B #2

    Not having food in the fridge isn’t always a bad thing you know… You know why? Because it allows one to get really creative, and think about how one can truly satisfy one’s hunger with close to limited ingredients *thinking deeply*. This happened to me a couple days ago. I was starving, and all I had in my fridge were a couple tomatoes, half a cucumber, and some shrimp; I could’ve easily had a tomato/cucumber salad topped with garlic shrimp, but I was craving something else… I was kinda leaning towards pasta, but not out-the-box pasta… fresh, make-roll-and cut the-dough pasta…mmm. 
    Gourmet shrimp pasta…

    I had my first experience with fresh pasta during my training at Le Cordon Bleu, and have been hooked ever since! The pasta has a great texture and the flavour is about a million times better than out the box pasta! (also very filling!)
    Now, because of my injury, I wasn’t able to do any groceries, as I soon became to loathe it after one unsuccessful attempt…There’s nothing fun nor cute about being on crutches and manoeuvring a grocery cart, so fresh pasta was an automatic choice that day… that, and I kinda dig the whole process of making it.
    I took a slow stroll to my cabinet, worried that I didn’t have any flour and that my culinary dreams would be shattered lol; so you can imagine my joy when I discovered a brand new bag of flour! The rest as they say, is history…
    Try it out! All you need: Flour and eggs! (I add salt to the cooking water rather than having it in the dough)

    love gettin my hands dirty!
    I like to let the dough rest in the fridge for about 30 min
    Trim edges, fold dough like you’re making a paper fan 🙂
    Cut, fluff, COOK for 10 minutes, toss in butter or olive oil, whatever you want!
