• Toronto,  WorldWide

    Exercise tips from @NadeenBoman

    Yes I took a few sips before taking the picture…

    A lot of us get lazy and find it hard to stay fit and healthy during the winter months; so Nadeen Boman (spokesperson of Powerade Zero ION4) shared some of her go-to exercises to help us stay nice and tight during the cold season.


    Squat and Leg Lift– Start in squat position with feet about hip width apart and chest lifted. Knees should be over your heels so that you can see your toes. Stand and extend right leg back at a 45 degree angle, leading with your heel. Repeat squat, stand and leg lift on right leg for 15 reps before switching to the the left leg. (This exercise is good for a firm butt)


    Plank Ups and Downs- Start in plank position with your body in a straight line, toes and forearms on the ground. Keep your butt down to engage your abdominals or if this is too difficult then go on your knees pulling your heels to your glutes. Push yourself up onto one hand then the other before going back down into the start position. Complete 5 up and downs then repeat with the other arm leading. Do 2-3 sets. (Good for shoulders and core)

    Abs Do all 3 ab exercises back to back and repeat for a total of 2-3 sets.

    Knee Touch Crunches- Lie on back with feet flat on the floor, knees about fist width apart. Reach for your knees by tucking your chin and brining your shoulder blades off the ground. Do 10-15 reps.

    Heel Touches- Start off in same position as above. With your hands about 2 inches from the ground, reach your right hand toward your right heel then reach with your left hand toward your left heel. Touch heel 10-15 times.

    Knees to Shoulders- Start in same position as previous abdominal exercises. Beginners have hands pressing into ground beside butt or increase difficulty and keep by your ears. Roll your bum off the ground by brining your knees towards your chest. Do 10-15 reps.

    peace and love


    ps: don’t forget to hydrate!!

  • Toronto,  WorldWide

    Get fit with @NadeenBoman

    I sat down with Nadeen Boman last week, and she gave me a few tips on how to stay fit during the winter months. Nadeen is also the spokesperson for Powerade Zero ION4, so she was able to give us all the juice, on why we should choose this beverage during and after working out.

    Powerade Zero ION4 has partnered with fitness guru Nadeen Boman to help Canadians get back in shape by spicing up their routines with some new exercises and developing a routine that helps them stick with their resolutions. You might know Nadeen from her work on the popular reality shows, and The Last 10 Pounds Bootcamp and Bulging Brides.


    Thanks to Nadeen Boman for spending some time with us, and to the Powerade team for treating me to some delicious Powerade!!

    peace and love
