• WorldWide

    Fun times with @BariBeauty and @RimmelLondonUS

    I usually stick to shades of red or pink when it comes to nail polish, but as I was brushing my teeth the other day, I glanced over at my lil basket of nail polish and there were a few Bari Cosmetics nail polishes that I hadn’t tried yet, that caught my eye… especially the glittery one, that one really caught my eye. I also had a cute pink Rimmel London nail polish that I hadn’t tried yet, so I figured, since I was in the mood to “explore” nail polish, why not invite it to the “party.”

    left hand

    right hand

    left hand with the glitter top coat

    right hand with glitter top coat

    from left to right: Bari Cosmetics “Power Me Up”, Bari Cosmetics “French Kiss”, Rimmel London “Posh Pink” and Bari Cosmetics top coat.

    I have to say I gotten way better with painting my own finger nails, it’s usually quite disastrous and messy lol, so I’m quite pleased with the end result 🙂

    peace and love
