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    Pasadena Rosebowl

    The 2nd Sunday of every month is an exciting time to be in LA!

    Here is my ticket – $8

     There are numerous flea markets in Los Angeles and treasure hunting is one of the best things you can do if you are an avid shopper. Sometimes the proliferation of chain stores can make you feel like its deja vu every single mall you enter. So this is absolutely refreshing and a great date venture too!

    These are pitcher plants, they catch flies!

    You can really test the patience of your date. I went there last week with one mission in mind. A leather duffel bag for travel.  Along the way I found a lot of interesting goods.

    These toy dogs are freaky

    accessories for days

     As you know, I went to Pasadena Rosebowl with my dad when he came to visit in April… So 2nd time round, there were some repeat vendors but all in all – a great way to look into the past so we can confidently stride into the future.

    I realized a few things.. that the past matters just as much as the future does and I got inspiration and ideas for my make up line. (I am working on that always!) But I walked home with what I came for. Woohoo!

    *HeyDoYou is for the cute, clever and connected*