• New York

    ‘Show Off’ Your Nails with @BlingOnline

    The Bling Collection, from The House Of Simone, is the epitome of beauty from the inside out. With crystalized casing and a built in spotlight for every product, The Bling Collection takes glam to a new level. Bare no shame in revealing your beauty products by The Bling Collection — the unique bejeweled packaging turns beauty tools into accessories that are perfect to take along on the go.

    So, for all you diva’s eager to shine, check out The Bling Collection’s red nail polish in Show Off. Their  classic red nail polish is true to color and rich in pigment; all you need is one coat of this fast-drying polish for nails ready for the world. As they so eloquently put it, “The Bling Collection is the Mercedes-Benz of makeup”.

    Check out all the fancy products and tools The Bling Collection has to offer on their website 🙂