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    Trendy & Innovative

    “Realeza Jewellery Display Pillows”…

    Featured today is the style of Tia, designer of the glamourous “Realeza Jewellery Display Pillows”. Realeza translates to Royalty in Spanish… check out the style of this ambitious duchess!

    What’s your name: Tia

    Star Sign: Cancer

    What area do you rep? Brampton

    Describe your style: innovative, unique, trendy

    Fav stores: H&M, Queen St, Forever 21

    Fav designers: Gucci, Chanel

    3 things you can’t live without: My ipod, cell phone and jewellery pillows!

    Cocktail of choice: Malibu Pineapple

    FB or MySpace: FB!

    Last purchase: this necklace

    Trend you can’t wait to rock: Bright colours and long skirts!

    Check out Tia’s style on http://www.myspace.com/realezapresents