Get the Spark Back Fun Date Ideas for Married Couples

Whether you’ve been married to your partner for one year, ten years, or twenty years, you can probably agree that marriage is work. It’s always worth it, because you love each other, but you know it can be exhausting sometimes – especially if you have kids. There isn’t always time for each other, and often couples spend their energy and attention on their children and don’t have a lot left to give each other at the end of the day.

However, it’s important to spend the extra effort on your relationship, and pencil in some time together to rekindle the flame, so it doesn’t die out. If you have children, particularly young children, just having a night to yourselves is a treat on its own; not all dates need to be expensive, fancy nights out. Of course, it’s always a bit more fun to go out, so call up a babysitter and try one of these fun date nights with your partner. 


Go to a concert


When was the last time you got to experience live music? Going to a concert is certainly a date night to remember! If you want an intimate evening, find a show at a local bar or small venue, or grab seats to that huge stadium show – there are events of all kinds to suit anyone’s taste. Find a concert online with and spend the night dancing and singing your hearts out with each other. 


Take a class together


Is there anything you’ve always wanted to try? Maybe a painting or a kickboxing class, or an aerial or acro yoga session? Well, why not turn it into a date night? Find something you both want to do (or compromise – you pick this week, and your partner picks next week, or vice versa) and try it together. Trying new hobbies together is a great way to connect over a shared interest and maybe even learn something new about each other. 


Play games


Arcade bars are great date spots for any age because who doesn’t love playing arcade games and pinball? With all the arcade bars popping up, it’s hard to find one that doesn’t have the games you like, so get out there, be a kid again, and challenge your loved one to a round of skeeball or a race on one of those driving arcade games. 


If video and arcade games aren’t your thing, what about board games? Playing board games is trendy for a reason: they are a lot of fun! Head to a board game cafe where you can choose from hundreds of games of all kinds to play. Board games are light and fun, and hopefully make you laugh, and isn’t that the perfect kind of fun? Have a games night with your partner – there are plenty of adult games out there too!


Go for a bike ride


Being outside in the sun is refreshing and uplifting, and can be a great way to spend an afternoon with a loved one. Find a trail that winds through a forest, near water, or to a park and enjoy a scenic ride. 


If you can’t make it out for a day ride, an evening bike ride can be lovely too. Bring a blanket and some snacks and find a place to watch the sunset. Talk about romantic! Just don’t forget a light for your bike if you’re going to be biking home in the dark.