• Las Vegas

    In the Biz: CocoFloss says FLOSS or BUST

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    I recently moved to Las Vegas as many of you know so everything is new to me here! Even though it is vastly different from NYC, I am finding gems in the most unusual places. In a city like Vegas, there is way less noise so you can appreciate and discover new things.

    I had some long overdue dental work that needed to be done so that was first on my list when we moved. We found Northview via Yelp and went for a visit. Upon my third visit, I noticed the cutest little promotional cards saying COCOFLOSS.

    I did some research and found out about them. A cool and modern twist on how to market, promotion and understand flossing. Very cool.

    This product was created a sister duo team! A dentist and an artist 🙂  How amazing.

    Find out more about Cocofloss and how to get them on http://www.cocofloss.com/