• Las Vegas

    Back to School Kitchen Gadgets: Yay or Nay

    I am a huge fan of kitchen gadgets and become completely mesmerized with infomercials explaining them. So it is no surprise that I have a bunch of items in my kitchen now that promises to do the impossible. Whether it will make your life easier, or just take up more shelf space. Check out my list below and what I thought! This might help you in your decision making.

    1. Clever Cutter $17.99

    + I thought this was a cool gadget for parsley, cilantro or sausages

    – …but it didn’t really work and it sucks, don’t buy it

    2. Avalon Air Fyer $120 


    + Totally convenient, compact and a microwave with oven technology basically

    – Still trying to figure out the exact times and temperature but otherwise I love it!

    3. Magic Opener $19.50

    + Great for opening all sorts of items like cans, bottles, even water bottles without damaging your manicure

    – Large and bright designs might not fit your kitchen’s aesthetic