• New York

    Food Fete

    Did you know that 9% of all adults are allergic to gluten? Americk and I went to Food Fete to check out new Foods for People with food allergies and learned so much!  After tasting everything from cookies to pastas to sandwiches and yogurt… I realized that there are so many other alternatives than to what mainstream products we may buy at regular grocers.  There were over 15 vendors and we had a great time.   The best thing besides all the free food was the opportunity talk and really understand the purpose behind gluten free. I will be highlighting each of the products and brands throughout spring – Read the labels people!

    the nice girls from Chobani Yogurt

    Get this at Costco.. yumm!

    ever tried Oat, Hemp, Almond milk?

    the cute sour cream guy



    More pics here

    Shout out to Am for being the taste-tester and hi-res photos ^_^