• Toronto,  WorldWide

    HCB #49: Tomato… Tom-ah-to

    I know it’s been a HOT minute since I gave you guys some food posts but I’ll be honest, I haven’t been eating anything all that exciting. Bagels, bagels and more bagels, and the occasional veggie samosa. I know, sooo BAD. Whatever. Between school and piecing together this very interesting puzzle called life; I haven’t had any time to cook…

    the flavors were starting to get friendly…
    time to bring it all together…

    HOWEVER,  last night I brought a couple veggies together and made a DELICIOUS and NUTRITIOUS vegan friendly tomato pasta sauce, that had me licking my lips, chin AND bowl after I was done. Mmm t’was GOOD.

    mmm deeee-LISH!

    Happy cooking lovelies.
    peace and love
    ps: I know it’s kinda late, but I hope you all had an awesome thanksgiving Canada!
    *HeyDoYou is for the cute, clever and connected*