HCB #47: mmm pineapple ♥

Once in a young lifetime one should be allowed to have as much sweetness as one can possibly want and hold. ~Judith Olney
you gotta beat those eggs (and sugar) just right for the cake to have that nice moist texture
add some sweet crushed pineapple… mmm this cake is perfect for a beach picnic!
I used pyrex jus coz…
pour a light pineapple syrup on it, dust a lil icing sugar over it; watch it seep in and… mmm DELISH! No need for icing, this cake’s got that good sweetness! … plus I gotta watch this waistline! lol
Happy Cooking!
peace and love
Without memory, there is no healing. Without forgiveness, there is no future.”– Archbishop Desmond Tutu

*HeyDoYou is for the cute, clever and connected*