(NY) Love & Other Drugs

“It’s not even about sex for you, it’s about finding an hour or two to relieve yourself the pain of being you. I want the exact same thing”
(comes out Nov 24th!)
Fall Winter is the best time to go to the movies, get hot chocolate and do all sorts of cuddly things. I used to think that the movies were real life and somewhere, someone was really living like that. Now I realize that if you took a 2 hour snippet of my life, it too can be a movie. But life is about what happens in between the events, 5 seconds before the photo is taken and the quiet times when you are sitting alone. That is when you are face to face with this thing called life. All the noise, all the laughter, all the traffic, all the fears subside when you sit still and really examine what this is all about. Like I mentioned before, I love to read books on retirement, self help books, relationship books etc. It really gives you perspective. At the end of the day, what truly matters?
Something about this trailer reminds me of myself – where is the tipping point?
*HeyDoYou is for the cute, clever and connected*