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    (T.O.) More FOOD! Gourmet Food & Wine Expo

    I took a lot of pics… and I like making you hungry ha ha ha. So let the drooling begin in 4, 3, 2…
    Delicious Macarons from Ruelo Patisserie… so many delicious flavors; from rose lychee raspberry to wasabi grapefruit. They even have balsamic vinegar one!
    Appleton was there! Shout outs to the Jamaican that stole my heart 😉
    mmm sooo GOOD!
    I never seen cheese look so pretty!
    Just relax and have some wine…
    There was an abundance of sushi
    I like the shape of the bottles! I’m a nerd. Sue me.
    These guys were also offering lots of different kinds of food!
    Dear Ruelo Patisserie, I will try ALL of your macaron flavors if you let me 🙂
    Slideshow time!
    peace and love
    *HeyDoYou is for the cute, clever and connected*
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    (T.O.): Gourmet Food & Wine Expo 1

    Pulled pork sandwiches with a signature coleslaw…*sighs* gone are the days… I used to LOVE pork!
    I was so excited when the Gourmet Food & Wine Expo came to Toronto! Unfortunately for me I was so sick this weekend, I didn’t get to spend as much time there as I wanted to *sad face*. The pics below are from the VIP opening night and some of day one and two. Enjoy drooling! ha ha ha
    mmm crepes…
    lamb chops anyone?
    So many ways to make your margarita more exciting!
    Spring rolls wasn’t playing around, there was so much food, this is only a tiny bit of what they were offering!
    I saw so many adults happily skipping along eating these… no joke lol
    There were lots and lots of alcoholic beverages… LOTS.
    ooooh chocolate covered strawberries…
    This stuff? DELICIOUS! I had a few samples, I wanted more but was too shy to go back… lol
    Vice was there too…yummy!
    A slideshow for your viewing pleasure 🙂
    peace and love
    *HeyDoYou is for the cute, clever and connected*