• Toronto,  WorldWide

    HCB #37: snackin’

    I wasn’t hungry hungry, but I was kinda hungry lol. I needed something quick with no fuss!

    I love love love these vegan patties, so…

     Hot Dog Bun + vegan patty + mmm Tomato + cheese + pickled hot peppers, and of course ranch and ketchup!

    Yum and it only took me 6 minutes tops!

    *HeyDoYou is for the cute, clever and connected*

  • Toronto,  WorldWide

    HCB 36: Smoothie Lova!

    My appetite is really weird during the summer time… so most times I just settle for delicious fruity smoothies!
    um… can I just say how much I HATE buying fruit and veggies in this damn country coz it pretty much spoils once it makes contact with your fridge! I bought strawberries barely 2 days ago, opened my fridge this morning and the container looked it was strawberry soup with chunks of strawberries! YUCK!
    I threw out majority of the strawberries, but I wasn’t about to let my hard earned money that I spent on the fu… um strawberries to go to waste 🙂

    Smoothies are an excellent way to get your fruits and veggies, and I LOVE that you can experiment experiment experiment. FUN!

    mmm refreshing and filling!

    Enjoy your summer!
    bye bye July 🙁
    *HeyDoYou is for the cute, clever and connected*

  • Toronto,  WorldWide

    HCB #34: mmm gnocchi

    what’s cookin, good lookin’! ha ha ha
    a magical surprise awaits!
    I was being “adventurous” and decided to try the ready made corn meal gnocchi from Sobeys. I sauteed it in butter and added some extra magic. Now, even though I LOVE gnocchi, I have discovered I detest corn meal gnocchi… YUCK. This was only good because of the spinach, garlic and tomato I added… I hated the texture of the corn meal gnocchi… ugh. I will go back to making my gnocchi from scratch…
    Happy Cookin’ Lovelies!
    Gnocchi (English pronunciation: /ˈnɒki, ˈnjɒki/; Italian: [ˈɲɔkːi]; N’YO-kee; singular gnocco)
    *HeyDoYou is for the cute, clever and connected*
  • Toronto,  WorldWide

    HCB #35: chomp chomp chomp

    red/green pepper (they’re under the red peppers) matchsticks sexified with some craisins, sweet corn on the cob, and a yummy seasoned cheesy pita! YUM and YUM 🙂
    drizzle a little ranch on those bad boys and it’s a party!
    Happy Cookin’

    *HeyDoYou is for the cute, clever and connected*

  • Toronto

    HCB #35: Look what i found!

    I made a very happy discovery while doing groceries the other day; Veggie “chicken” burgers! But before my excitement could get away with me, I had to make sure there was no animal present in them whatsoever. You can imagine my joy when I discovered I was in the vegan/vegetarian section! aahh not to worry.
    I was a little worried that they’d taste like card board but…
    simple and tasty: tomato, melted cheddar, veggie burger, RANCH and of course the OneBun!
    …fries go straight to my ass and hips and I’m tryna keep that ish in check lol. So I opted for green pepper matchsticks witha ranch/peppercorn dipping sauce! yummay!
    Sorry the pics are so dark guys, I totally forgot to turn the main light on when taking the pics… sometimes I like cooking in the dark with only the stove’s surface light turned on.
    DEMOLISHED in no time! Soooooooo GOOD!
    Happy Cookin Lovelies!

    *HeyDoYou is for the cute, clever and connected*